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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Charles Phillip Brown , A Colonial Agent

1. Prologue

I have recently come across a set of books written on C P Brown, a British officer who learnt Telugu, compulsory for the officers of the East India Company (EIC), which had just grabbed the Ceded Districts to station troops to protect the Nizam from Marathas.
The writers of the books, principally Mr. Bandi Gopala Reddy (Bangorey) Research Scholar, S V University and Mr K V Rao, Department of Linguistic studies, Delhi University, are highly educated, well meaning researchers. They felt that it was a great service for a white man to condescend to study the native dying language called GENTOO or TELUGU or TENUNGU or TELOOGOO. They echoed his preposterous utterances that he did so much service to ‘protect’ its Literature from total death. In short the ‘glorious past’ of the language was of little value or of no use to them, as they apparently believed that the survival of the language was due to CPB’s service!
It hurts the Pride of any Indian and particularly an Andhra to accept silently this servile biographical set of books, lacking in objectivity, and with unjustified adulation of CPB.


One of the greatest problems facing India today is an undercurrent of anti Hindu mindset of the Secularist. They are in commanding positions as political leaders or media men or industrialists. Hinduism is not a paying proposition to them since the Capitalist West, Communist Left and the oil rich Muslim world are all anti Hindu.
A post- Colonial legacy, Psychological Bondage, has become a national malady. New words are being coined, such as negativism, kullar mentality, imprinting etc for what is de facto a slavish mind that refuses to forget the crumbs thrown by the Master and still looks for the master and his doles. The British as early as 1823 did their best to nurture this servility in a systematic manner.
In India the unfortunate continuation and proliferation of the English language as medium of Education and for Govt. Administration at the cost of the regional languages and Hindi resulted in the Nation alienating itself from its own past culture. The Nation also refuses to realise what it owes to Sanskrit, the very fountainhead of its languages, the inexhaustible source of its wisdom, of its culture. With one stroke, Macaulay achieved by his Policy on Education what the Muslims could not dream of achieving in 600 years.


A lot of poisonous crap that the English left in the histories, or Max Muller and his skewed views dominate the intellectual's mind. He has neither the time, nor will, nor motivation to study his own past. The net result is more and more of our young are getting into the whirlpool of anti Hindu media hype.
West is establishing contact groups in their erstwhile colonies to dominate the nations by holding the purse strings of the finances, through ADB, IMF, WB, etc and political power through puppets. Eminent intellectuals, (EIS) a synonym for those contact groups, complicate the situation creating a vicious circle wherein the country cannot be powerful unless the slaves break their bonds and the slaves won’t do so unless the country is powerful. These EIs, the power brokers for the West, do their best to fudge the issues through the media, which is usually available for a consideration.
The Goebbelisian techniques of psychological manipulation of a society are now perfected by the West who controls 99 % of the sources of information that flows into the third world. A virtual Psywar is waged by the US on all developing countries, which are dependent on the US media for information.
We are at the crossroads to regain our cultural and spiritual glory OR to continue the slavery.
We have an onerous responsibility. To know ourselves. To undo what these Macaulays, Browns, Mackenzies, Caldwells, Max Mullers have done is the main task. A method has to be evolved as to how to rebury these ghosts of CPBs who are coming again, in another avatar, as saviours of our culture, and languages etc, which in fact they destroyed.


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